McDonald’s CaseStudy using AWS…

McDonald’s is a “Modern and Progressive Burger Company”.
McDonald’s Corporation, an American hamburger, and fast food restaurant chain, serves 69 million customers each day. Using Amazon Web Services (AWS), it transformed itself into a digital technology company that was able to beat performance targets by up to 66 percent and complete 8,600 transactions per second via its point-of-sale (POS) system.
👉McDonald’s leading point of sale system is the backbone 200,000 registrations and 300,000 devices in restaurants across the world.
McDonald’s wanted to create a digital platform to serve customer requirements. Then they visited Azure for 1 Billion Dollars e-commerce business across 23 countries. They looked up services and Architecture then they recognized that require a public cloud for its new infinite capabilities and capacities.
They looked for many platforms that provide there needs but they didn’t find any platform. They had 66MM customers per day 20% are digital,36,000 restaurants, and 6000 menu items with infinity variations.
As they found nothing out there they wanted a new platform to create on there own.McDonald’s needs Scalability, Security, Capacity all the combo is called reliability.
Then they found a partner with a cloud called AWS. They also found that some of there other partners are also in the AWS cloud.

Transformation of the traditional organisation to a digital organisation you need much more than the technology. To transfer they used the services of AWS cloud.
They created the cloud team to mange the AWS services and there platform :
👉Cloud Adoption Framework
👉Professional Services Support
👉Share expertise to optimize systems to reduce costs
👉Share insights on architecture and design
For there new E-Commerce platform they used 35 AWS service:
👉BigData: EMR, Redshift
👉Device Farm
👉Monitoring and management: RAM, Cloudwatch
👉Networking: VPC, Direct connect, Route 55.
That’a all…
Thanks For Reading…🤝